Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Beginning

Every time new year comes, I always plan things to do in the whole year round. I make sure to it that I will spend the year wisely so that no time will be wasted.
It's now 2011 and it's a new beginning for me. a new year for change and a new year for the better. This year, I want to do the best that I can do because I want to prove to myself that I can also be good like others. It's hard for me to move on because 2010 for me was a year of full of challenges but I think this year will be the year for me to face the challenges of the world because this 2011, Kevin will be braver and he will be a new one. Kevin will be better than before and ultimately, Kevin will change not only emotionally but also physically. Well, I hope this will come true this year.
Yes, I'm ready for 2011.

1 comment:

  1. You know kevin...you are soo good. yeah, like fried chicken!hmmmm, Kevin I believe that you don't need to change wholly. I mean, just stay who and what you are, you know.
    People will love you for that..:)
